Chapter 6. Creating a System

Basic working units in the Sonargraph workspace are called modules. A system consists of one or several modules representing the components that your product is made up of. Each module contains one or several root directories pointing out to the source code or the executable artifacts.

At the menu "File""New""System" Sonargraph provides different wizards to easily create software systems . You can either create an empty system and manually add modules to it or use one of the language based wizards.

If you need to have modules from different languages in the same system you can add those of the second language later, regardless of the type of system you have created. See Chapter 7, Adding Content to a System

All wizards contain a page where you can specify the system's name, a short description for it and the local directory where you want to create the system. Optionally, you can use a predefined quality model for the new system. See Section 6.4, “Quality Model”

To create an empty system to which you can add modules later select "File""New""System""New System...". You will be asked for a system name and a storage directory for the Sonargraph system folder. See Chapter 7, Adding Content to a System for how to add modules to your system.


It is always smart to store the Sonargraph folder at the root of your project because its content needs to be added to your version control system. This folder does not contain any binary files, all content of the Sonargraph system definition is contained in plain text files, making it easy to track changes.