The Exploration/Architectural view offers interaction with different Auxiliary views of Sonargraph.
Properties View
The Properties view shows additional information depending on the selection in the Exploration/Architectural view. There can either be no selection showing information of the Exploration/Architectural view itself about, focus and other properties or elements/dependencies can be selected showing information about size, issues, violations and so forth.
Parser Dependencies In/Out Views
Selecting elements/dependencies in the Exploration/Architectural view the Parser Dependencies views show the underlying parser dependencies. Using the context menu 'Show In Source' entry on a specific parser dependency allows the user to to jump into the Source view revealing the specific dependency.
Exploration/Architectural Metrics View
Selecting elements in the Exploration/Architectural view the corresponding metrics view re-calculates the metrics based on the current focus and selection.
For elements (modules, artifacts, packages/namespaces, components ...) the following metrics are calculated:
The number of (non-distributed) elements that are currently shown (e.g. '5 Modules' means that 5 different modules are somehow included).
The number of distributed elements (e.g. when 1 unique module is found '3 Modules (distributed)' means that the 1 module has been found 3 times in the model. This can happen when assigning elements from 1 module to 3 artifacts, resulting in 3 distributed modules based on 1 defined module).
The number of elements that are marked as cyclic (sometimes 'distributed' - where applicable).
NOTE: Some elements cannot be distributed (e.g. artifacts, components, types, fields). If metrics are not specifically named xxx (external) they are only calculated for internal elements.
There are 4 dependency categories for which the number of parser dependencies, parser dependencies violating and parser dependencies violating ignored are aggregated:
Outgoing dependencies: The dependencies of the selected elements that point to elements not contained in the selection.
Incoming dependencies: The dependencies of the not selected elements that point to any selected element.
Inner dependencies: The dependencies between the selected elements including their children.
Downward dependencies: All upward dependencies connected to any selected element.
Upward dependencies: All downward dependencies connected to any selected element.
NOTE: When no element is selected all (not excluded by focus) dependencies are counted as inner dependencies and all down/upward dependencies are counted.