11.14.  Architecture DSL Language Specification

For the sake of completeness please find a formal grammar of our architecture DSL in EBNF form. The semantics of the language have been described in the preceding sections.

Body            = Declaration* Connection*
Declaration     = ArtifactDecl
                | ExtendDecl
                | ApplyDecl
                | RequireDecl
                | IncludeDecl
                | ExcludeDecl
                | InterfaceExt
                | ConnectorExt
                | InterfaceDecl
                | ConnectorDecl
                | Scheme
                | ClassDecl
                | TemplateDecl
ClassDecl       = "class" IDENT "{" ClassMember* "}"
ClassMember     = "interface" List
                | "connector" List
List            = IDENT ("," IDENT)*
ArtifactDecl    = StereoTypes "artifact" IDENT (":" IDENT)? "{" Priority? Body "}"
ExtendDecl      = "extend" IDENT "{" ExtendBody "}"
                | StereoType+ "extend" IDENT "{" ExtendBody "}"

Priority        = "priority" NUMBER
ExtendBody      = Declaration* DisconnectDecl* Connection*
DisconnectDecl  = "disconnect" IDENT? "from" IdentList
StereoTypes     = StereoType*
StereoType      = "public"
                | "hidden"
                | "local"
                | "exposed"
                | "unrestricted"
                | "relaxed"
                | "strict"
                | "optional"
                | "deprecated"
ApplyDecl       = "apply" STRING

RequireDecl     = "require" STRING
IncludeDecl     = "strong"? "include" STRING
                | "include" "all"
                | "include" "dependency-types" DependencyTypes
ExcludeDecl     = "exclude" STRING
                | "exclude" "dependency-types" DependencyTypes

DependencyTypes = DependencyType ("," DependencyType)*
DependencyType  = IDENT
InterfaceDecl   = ("override"|"optional")? "interface" IDENT "{" InterfaceBody "}"
InterfaceExt    = "extend" "interface" IDENT "{" InterfaceBody "}"
InterfaceBody   = IDeclaration*
IDeclaration    = IncludeDecl
                | ExcludeDecl
                | Export
ConnectorDecl   = "override"? "connector" IDENT "{" ConnectorBody "}"
ConnectorExt    = "extend" "connector" IDENT "{" ConnectorBody "}"
ConnectorBody   = CDeclaration*
CDeclaration    = IncludeDecl
                | ExcludeDecl
                | Include
Export          = "export" SpecIdentList  
Include         = "include" SpecIdentList
SpecIdentList   = SpecIdent ("," SpecIdent)*
SpecIdent       = "any" ("." IDENT)*
                | IDENT ("." IDENT)*
IdentList       = Identifier ("," Identifier)*
Identifier      = IDENT ("." IDENT)*  
Connection      = "connect" "to" IdentList "transitively"?
                | "connect" Identifier "to" IdentList "transitively"?
                | "connect" "to" IdentList "using" IDENT
Scheme          = "connection-scheme" IDENT (":" IDENT "to" IDENT)? "{" TargetUse* "}"
TargetUse       = "connect" Identifier "to" TargetIdentList
                | "connect" "any" "." Identifier "to" TargetIdentList
TargetIdentList = TargetIdent ("," TargetIdent)*
TargetIdent     = "target" ("." IDENT)+
                | "target" "." "any" ("." IDENT)+
IDENT           = ("A" .. "Z" | "a" .. "z")("A" .. "Z" | "a" .. "z" | "0" .. "9" | "_" | "-")*
TemplateDecl    = StereoTypes "template" IDENT (":" IDENT)? "{" TemplateBody "}"
TemplateBody    = TemplateInclude+ TemplateExclude* TemplArtifact TemplateConnect*
TemplateInclude = "include" STRING
TemplateExclude = "exclude" STRING
TemplateConnect = "connect" "to" IdentList "transitively"?
                | "connect" Identifier "to" IdentList "transitively"?
                | "connect" "to" IdentList "using" IDENT
                | "connect" "all" "using" IDENT
TemplArtifact   = StereoTypes "artifact" NameExpr (":" IDENT)? "{" Body "}"
NameExpr        = NameItem
                | NameItem "+" NameExpr
NameItem        = STRING
                | "$" ["1"-"9"] 
                | IDENT "(" NameExpr ")"

                // '@' stands for any character except the context specific terminator
STRING          = '"' (@ | '\\' @)* '"' | "'" (@ | '\\' @)* "'"