To install the Sonargraph Intellij plugin run Intellij, open the Intellij Settings dialog, go to → → and add a new repository supplying hello2morrow's Intellij plugin repository URL:
Once the repository is configured, select Sonargraph from the plugin list and click on the green install button in the description area.
After successful installation and a restart of Intellij, the Sonargraph entry should appear under the "Other Settings" node in Intellij's setting dialog.
If not, check the Event Log view and Intellij's notifications for any errors related to the plugin and get in contact
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Intellij version 2018.2 or newer is required for Sonargraph Intellij plugin to run.
You need to have a valid license or activation code in order to use the plugin. More details can be found in Chapter 3, Licensing. Open the dialog via Intellij's settings, then go to → → and supply either a license file or the activation code, hit "Request" and "Install License" before closing the dialog.
The following sections describe common interactions and usage of the plugin.
The IDE must be started with a Java 8 (or higher) runtime for the integrations to work.