Articles about various software quality topics can be found at
Our whitepapers and presentations are available at
The following list contains books that influenced us a lot prior and during the development of Sonargraph.
[ACM] McCabe, T. J. "A Complexity Measure." IEEE Trans. Software Eng. SE-2, 4, 308-320, Dec. 1976
[ASD] Agile Software Development, Robert C. Martin, Prentice Hall 2003
[AUP] Applying UML And Patterns, Craig Larman, Prentice Hall 2002
[EOT] Erfolgsschlüssel Objekttechnologie, Betrand Meyer, Hanser 1995
[JLS] James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele, Gilad Bracha, "The Java Language Specification", Addison-Wesley 2005
[LSD] Large-Scale C++ Software Design, John Lakos, Addison-Wesley 1996
[PAP] Robert C. Martin, "Design Principles and Patterns", Objectmentor 2000
[PPR] Jones T.C., "Programming Productivity", New York, McGraw-Hill 1986
[SEE] Boehm, B. W., "Software Engineering Economics", Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall 1981
[SOM] Everald E. Mills, "Software Metrics", SEI Curriculum Module SEI-CM-12-1.1 1988
[TOS] Testing Object-Oriented Systems, Beizer, Addison-Wesley 2000