Sonargraph-Build User Manual

Version 15.0.5

Table of Contents
1. Sonargraph's Next Generation - Sonargraph-Build
2. Licensing
2.1. Getting an Activation Code or a License
2.2. Activation Code Based Licensing
2.3. Proxy Settings
2.4. License Server Settings
3. Getting Started
3.1. Installation Requirements
3.2. Prerequisites
4. Executing from the Command-line
4.1. Report Creation
4.2. Specify Conditions for Build Failure
4.2.1. Fail on Issues
4.3. Upload Failed Reports
5. Integrating with Ant
5.1. Resend Failed Uploads
6. Integrating with Maven
6.1. Maven Tips and Best Practices
6.2. Parameters of Goal "create-report"
6.3. Configuration for goal "dynamic-report"
6.4. Specify Conditions for Build Failure
6.4.1. Maven FailSet Configuration
6.4.2. Example POM
6.5. Configuration for goal "resend-failed-uploads"
6.6. Parameters of goal "create-or-update-system"
7. Integrating with Gradle
7.1. Gradle Tips and Best Practices
7.2. Parameters of Task "sonargraphReport"
7.3. Configuration for Task "sonargraphDynamicReport"
7.4. Specify Conditions for Build Failure
7.4.1. Gradle FailSet Configuration
7.5. Example Gradle Build File
7.6. Configuration for Task "resendFailedUploads"
7.7. Parameters of Task "sonargraphCreateOrUpdateSystem"
8. Reporting Changes
9. Integrating with SonarQube
9.1. Overall Process of Integration
9.2. SonarQube Configuration
9.3. SonarQube Maven Configuration
9.4. SonarQube Gradle Configuration
9.5. SonarQube Scanner / Ant Runner Configuration
10. Integrating with Jenkins
10.1. Global Configuration
10.1.1. Tool Installation for Sonargraph Build
10.2. Sonargraph License Server
10.3. Job Configuration
10.3.1. Add post-build action
10.4. Use Pre-Generated Report
10.5. Generate Report with Sonargraph Build
10.5.1. Advanced Options
10.5.2. Logging
10.5.3. Baseline
10.5.4. Chart Configuration
10.5.5. Mark Build
10.6. Configure Jenkins Logging
10.7. Configure Jenkins Pipelines
11. FAQ
12. Trademark Attributions, Library License Texts, and Source Code
13. Legal Notice
1. Sonargraph-Build API Documentation