Interface INamedElementAccess

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IArchitectureBaseElementAccess, IArchitectureModelAccess, IArtifactAccess, IAssignableElementAccess, IBaseCoreAccess, IConnectorAccess, ICppSourceFileAccess, ICSharpTypeAccess, IDirectoryAccess, IExternalAccess, IFieldAccess, IGenericClassAccess, IGenericFieldAccess, IGenericFunctionAccess, IGenericMethodAccess, IInterfaceAccess, IJavaClassFileAccess, IJavaFieldAccess, IJavaLogicalModuleAccess, IJavaLogicalPackageAccess, IJavaMethodAccess, IJavaModuleAccess, IJavaSourceFileAccess, IJavaSyntheticTypeAccess, IJavaTypeAccess, ILogicalExternalAccess, ILogicalModuleAccess, ILogicalNamespaceAccess, ILogicalProgrammingElementAccess, ILogicalSystemAccess, IMethodAccess, IModuleAccess, INamespaceFragmentAccess, IPluginCoreAccess, IPluginLanguageBasedAccess, IPluginProgrammingElementAccess, IProgrammingElementAccess, IPythonClassAccess, IPythonExternalAccess, IPythonFieldAccess, IPythonFunctionAccess, IPythonMethodAccess, IPythonModuleAccess, IPythonSourceFileAccess, IPythonVariableAccess, IRoutineAccess, ISourceFileAccess, ITypeAccess, ITypeScriptExternalAccess, ITypeScriptModuleAccess, ITypeScriptSourceFileAccess, IUnassignedExternalAccess, IUnassignedInternalAccess

public interface INamedElementAccess extends IElementAccess
  • Method Details

    • getParent

      INamedElementAccess getParent()
      Provides access to the parent.
      the parent or 'null' if there is no parent.
    • getChildren

      List<? extends INamedElementAccess> getChildren()
      Provides access to the children.
      List of children (might be empty).
    • getIssueCount

      int getIssueCount()
      Counts total number of issues for this element and it's children including secondary issues (cycle group issues, duplicate code block issues, architecture violations/deprecations).
      the issue count
    • getIssueCount

      int getIssueCount(boolean includingSecondary, boolean recursive)
      Counts issues for this element.
      includingSecondary - Including secondary issues (cycle group issues, duplicate code block issues, architecture violations/deprecations)
      recursive - Include children
      Number of issues
    • getIssueCount

      @Deprecated int getIssueCount(String category, String id, String provider, String severity, boolean recursive)
      Counts issues for this element for the given filter parameters.
      category - A category or null, if you want to match all categories
      id - An issue id or null, if you want to match all id's
      provider - A provider or null, if you want to match all providers
      severity - A severity or null, if you want to match all severities
      recursive - Include children
      Number of issues matching the filter criteria
    • getIssueCount

      @Deprecated int getIssueCount(List<String> categories, List<String> issueIds, List<String> providers, List<String> severities, boolean recursive)
      Counts issues for this element for the given filter parameters.
      categories - Issue categories (null or empty list means 'all')
      issueIds - Issue Id's (null or empty list means 'all')
      providers - Issue providers (null or empty list means 'all')
      severities - Issue severities (null or empty list means 'all')
      recursive - Include children
      Number of issues matching the filter criteria
    • getIssueCount

      int getIssueCount(List<String> categories, List<String> issueIds, List<String> providers, List<String> severities, boolean includingSecondary, boolean recursive)
      Counts issues for this element for the given filter parameters.
      categories - Issue categories (null or empty list means 'all')
      issueIds - Issue Id's (null or empty list means 'all')
      providers - Issue providers (null or empty list means 'all')
      severities - Issue severities (null or empty list means 'all')
      includingSecondary - Including secondary issues (cycle group issues, duplicate code block issues, architecture violations/deprecations)
      recursive - Include children
      Number of issues matching the filter criteria
    • getIssues

      List<IIssueAccess> getIssues()
      Collect all issues for this element and it's children including secondary issues (cycle group issues, duplicate code block issues, architecture violations/deprecations).
      The issues
    • getIssues

      List<IIssueAccess> getIssues(boolean includingSecondary, boolean recursive)
      Collect issues
      includingSecondary - Include secondary issues (cycle group issues, duplicate code block issues, architecture violations/deprecations)
      recursive - Collect children's issues
      The issues
    • getIssues

      List<IIssueAccess> getIssues(List<String> categories, List<String> issueIds, List<String> providers, List<String> severities, boolean includingSecondary, boolean recursive)
      Collect issues for the given filter parameters.
      categories - Issue categories (null or empty list means 'all')
      issueIds - Issue Id's (null or empty list means 'all')
      providers - Issue providers (null or empty list means 'all')
      severities - Issue severities (null or empty list means 'all')
      includingSecondary - Include secondary issues (cycle group issues, duplicate code block issues, architecture violations/deprecations)
      recursive - Collect children's issues
      The issues
    • getOutgoingDependenciesRecursively

      List<IAggregatedDependencyAccess> getOutgoingDependenciesRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, boolean excludeExternals, boolean excludeExcluded, IDependencyKind... types)
      Compute the outgoing aggregated dependencies of this element and all its children.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting this object or its children
      excludeExternals - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting external objects.
      excludeExcluded - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting excluded objects.
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of dependencies aggregated to the desired level
    • getOutgoingDependenciesRecursively

      List<IAggregatedDependencyAccess> getOutgoingDependenciesRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, boolean excludeExternals, IDependencyKind... types)
      Compute the outgoing aggregated dependencies of this element and all its children, excluding excluded elements.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting this object or its children
      excludeExternals - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting external objects.
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of dependencies aggregated to the desired level
    • getOutgoingDependenciesRecursively

      List<IAggregatedDependencyAccess> getOutgoingDependenciesRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, IDependencyKind... types)
      Compute the outgoing aggregated dependencies of this element and all its children, including external elements, excluding excluded elements.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting this object or its children
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of dependencies aggregated to the desired level
    • getIncomingDependenciesRecursively

      List<IAggregatedDependencyAccess> getIncomingDependenciesRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, boolean excludeExcluded, IDependencyKind... types)
      Compute the incoming aggregated dependencies of this element and all its children.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude all dependencies coming from this object or its children
      excludeExcluded - If true, exclude all dependencies coming from excluded elements
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of incoming dependencies aggregated to the desired level
    • getIncomingDependenciesRecursively

      List<IAggregatedDependencyAccess> getIncomingDependenciesRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, IDependencyKind... types)
      Compute the incoming aggregated dependencies of this element and all its children, excluding excluded elements.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude all dependencies coming from this object or its children
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of incoming dependencies aggregated to the desired level
    • getReferencedElementsRecursively

      List<INamedElementAccess> getReferencedElementsRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, boolean excludeExternals, boolean excludeExcluded, IDependencyKind... types)
      Compute the list of referenced elements of this element and all its children.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude this object and its children from the resulting list
      excludeExternals - If true, exclude all external objects.
      excludeExcluded - If true, exclude all excluded objects.
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of referenced objects according to the aggregation level
    • getReferencedElementsRecursively

      List<INamedElementAccess> getReferencedElementsRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, boolean excludeExternals, IDependencyKind... types)
      Compute the list of referenced elements of this element and all its children, excluding excluded elements.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude this object and its children from the resulting list
      excludeExternals - If true, exclude all external objects.
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of referenced objects according to the aggregation level
    • getReferencedElementsRecursively

      List<INamedElementAccess> getReferencedElementsRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, IDependencyKind... types)
      Compute the list of referenced elements of this element and all its children, including external elements, excluding excluded elements.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude this object and its children from the resulting list
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of referenced objects according to the aggregation level
    • getReferencingElementsRecursively

      List<INamedElementAccess> getReferencingElementsRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, boolean excludeExcluded, IDependencyKind... types)
      Get a list of all elements referencing this element and its children.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude this object and its children from the resulting list
      excludeExcluded - If true, exclude all excluded objects.
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of referencing objects according to the aggregation level.
    • getReferencingElementsRecursively

      List<INamedElementAccess> getReferencingElementsRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, IDependencyKind... types)
      Get a list of all elements referencing this element and its children, excluding excluded elements.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude this object and its children from the resulting list
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of referencing objects according to the aggregation level.
    • accept

      Visit this element.
      visitor - The visitor implementation
    • getFullyQualifiedName

      String getFullyQualifiedName()
      the fully qualified name as shown in the Sonargraph properties view
    • getParent

      <T extends INamedElementAccess> T getParent(Class<T> clazz)
      clazz - class of the parent.
      the first matching parent of this element matching the given class or null if no parent exists or no parent of the specified class exists.