Class LogicalNamespaceAccess

    • Constructor Detail

      • LogicalNamespaceAccess

        public LogicalNamespaceAccess​(com.hello2morrow.sonargraph.core.model.programming.LogicalNamespace element)
        Internal use only
    • Method Detail

      • getMetricLevel

        public java.lang.Object getMetricLevel()
        Description copied from class: ElementAccess
        Internal use only
        getMetricLevel in class ElementAccess<com.hello2morrow.sonargraph.core.model.programming.LogicalNamespace>
      • isSystemScope

        public final boolean isSystemScope()
        Returns true, if this is a system scope logical namespace.
        Specified by:
        isSystemScope in interface ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        see above
      • isPart

        public final boolean isPart()
        Returns true, if this is a logical namespace without types, only acting as a parent for nested namespaces.
        Specified by:
        isPart in interface ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        see above
      • getDistanceMetric

        public final java.lang.Float getDistanceMetric()
        Specified by:
        getDistanceMetric in interface ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        the corresponding metric or 'null' if not available
      • getOutgoingDependenciesFlatRecursively

        public java.util.List<IAggregatedDependencyAccess> getOutgoingDependenciesFlatRecursively​(Aggregator aggr,
                                                                                                  boolean excludeSelf,
                                                                                                  boolean excludeExternals,
                                                                                                  boolean excludeExcluded,
                                                                                                  IDependencyKind... types)
        Description copied from interface: ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        Compute the outgoing aggregated dependencies of this element and all its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
        Specified by:
        getOutgoingDependenciesFlatRecursively in interface ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        aggr - The desired level of aggregation
        excludeSelf - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting this object or its children
        excludeExternals - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting external objects.
        excludeExcluded - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting excluded objects.
        types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
        List of dependencies aggregated to the desired level
      • getOutgoingDependenciesFlatRecursively

        public java.util.List<IAggregatedDependencyAccess> getOutgoingDependenciesFlatRecursively​(Aggregator aggr,
                                                                                                  boolean excludeSelf,
                                                                                                  boolean excludeExternals,
                                                                                                  IDependencyKind... types)
        Description copied from interface: ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        Compute the outgoing aggregated dependencies of this element and all its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
        Specified by:
        getOutgoingDependenciesFlatRecursively in interface ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        aggr - The desired level of aggregation
        excludeSelf - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting this object or its children
        excludeExternals - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting external objects.
        types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
        List of dependencies aggregated to the desired level
      • getOutgoingDependenciesFlatRecursively

        public java.util.List<IAggregatedDependencyAccess> getOutgoingDependenciesFlatRecursively​(Aggregator aggr,
                                                                                                  boolean excludeSelf,
                                                                                                  IDependencyKind... types)
        Description copied from interface: ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        Compute the outgoing aggregated dependencies of this element and all its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
        Specified by:
        getOutgoingDependenciesFlatRecursively in interface ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        aggr - The desired level of aggregation
        excludeSelf - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting this object or its children
        types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
        List of dependencies aggregated to the desired level
      • getIncomingDependenciesFlatRecursively

        public java.util.List<IAggregatedDependencyAccess> getIncomingDependenciesFlatRecursively​(Aggregator aggr,
                                                                                                  boolean excludeSelf,
                                                                                                  boolean excludeExcluded,
                                                                                                  IDependencyKind... types)
        Description copied from interface: ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        Compute the incoming aggregated dependencies of this element and all its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
        Specified by:
        getIncomingDependenciesFlatRecursively in interface ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        aggr - The desired level of aggregation
        excludeSelf - If true, exclude all dependencies coming from this object or its children
        excludeExcluded - If true, exclude all dependencies coming from excluded elements
        types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
        List of incoming dependencies aggregated to the desired level
      • getIncomingDependenciesFlatRecursively

        public java.util.List<IAggregatedDependencyAccess> getIncomingDependenciesFlatRecursively​(Aggregator aggr,
                                                                                                  boolean excludeSelf,
                                                                                                  IDependencyKind... types)
        Description copied from interface: ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        Compute the incoming aggregated dependencies of this element and all its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
        Specified by:
        getIncomingDependenciesFlatRecursively in interface ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        aggr - The desired level of aggregation
        excludeSelf - If true, exclude all dependencies coming from this object or its children
        types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
        List of incoming dependencies aggregated to the desired level
      • getReferencingElementsFlatRecursively

        public java.util.List<INamedElementAccess> getReferencingElementsFlatRecursively​(Aggregator aggr,
                                                                                         boolean excludeSelf,
                                                                                         boolean excludeExcluded,
                                                                                         IDependencyKind... types)
        Description copied from interface: ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        Get a list of all elements referencing this element and its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
        Specified by:
        getReferencingElementsFlatRecursively in interface ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        aggr - The desired level of aggregation
        excludeSelf - If true, exclude this object and its children from the resulting list
        excludeExcluded - If true, exclude all excluded objects.
        types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
        List of referencing objects according to the aggregation level.
      • getReferencingElementsFlatRecursively

        public java.util.List<INamedElementAccess> getReferencingElementsFlatRecursively​(Aggregator aggr,
                                                                                         boolean excludeSelf,
                                                                                         IDependencyKind... types)
        Description copied from interface: ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        Get a list of all elements referencing this element and its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
        Specified by:
        getReferencingElementsFlatRecursively in interface ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        aggr - The desired level of aggregation
        excludeSelf - If true, exclude this object and its children from the resulting list
        types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
        List of referencing objects according to the aggregation level.
      • getReferencedElementsFlatRecursively

        public java.util.List<INamedElementAccess> getReferencedElementsFlatRecursively​(Aggregator aggr,
                                                                                        boolean excludeSelf,
                                                                                        boolean excludeExternals,
                                                                                        boolean excludeExcluded,
                                                                                        IDependencyKind... types)
        Description copied from interface: ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        Compute the list of referenced elements of this element and all its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
        Specified by:
        getReferencedElementsFlatRecursively in interface ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        aggr - The desired level of aggregation
        excludeSelf - If true, exclude this object and its children from the resulting list
        excludeExternals - If true, exclude all external objects.
        excludeExcluded - If true, exclude all excluded objects.
        types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
        List of referenced objects according to the aggregation level
      • getReferencedElementsFlatRecursively

        public java.util.List<INamedElementAccess> getReferencedElementsFlatRecursively​(Aggregator aggr,
                                                                                        boolean excludeSelf,
                                                                                        boolean excludeExternals,
                                                                                        IDependencyKind... types)
        Description copied from interface: ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        Compute the list of referenced elements of this element and all its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
        Specified by:
        getReferencedElementsFlatRecursively in interface ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        aggr - The desired level of aggregation
        excludeSelf - If true, exclude this object and its children from the resulting list
        excludeExternals - If true, exclude all external objects.
        types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
        List of referenced objects according to the aggregation level
      • getReferencedElementsFlatRecursively

        public java.util.List<INamedElementAccess> getReferencedElementsFlatRecursively​(Aggregator aggr,
                                                                                        boolean excludeSelf,
                                                                                        IDependencyKind... types)
        Description copied from interface: ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        Compute the list of referenced elements of this element and all its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
        Specified by:
        getReferencedElementsFlatRecursively in interface ILogicalNamespaceAccess
        aggr - The desired level of aggregation
        excludeSelf - If true, exclude this object and its children from the resulting list
        types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
        List of referenced objects according to the aggregation level