Interface ILogicalNamespaceAccess

All Superinterfaces:
IElementAccess, INamedElementAccess
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ILogicalNamespaceAccess extends INamedElementAccess
  • Method Details

    • getOutgoingDependenciesFlatRecursively

      List<IAggregatedDependencyAccess> getOutgoingDependenciesFlatRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, boolean excludeExternals, boolean excludeExcluded, IDependencyKind... types)
      Compute the outgoing aggregated dependencies of this element and all its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting this object or its children
      excludeExternals - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting external objects.
      excludeExcluded - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting excluded objects.
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of dependencies aggregated to the desired level
    • getOutgoingDependenciesFlatRecursively

      List<IAggregatedDependencyAccess> getOutgoingDependenciesFlatRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, boolean excludeExternals, IDependencyKind... types)
      Compute the outgoing aggregated dependencies of this element and all its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting this object or its children
      excludeExternals - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting external objects.
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of dependencies aggregated to the desired level
    • getOutgoingDependenciesFlatRecursively

      List<IAggregatedDependencyAccess> getOutgoingDependenciesFlatRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, IDependencyKind... types)
      Compute the outgoing aggregated dependencies of this element and all its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude all dependencies targeting this object or its children
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of dependencies aggregated to the desired level
    • getIncomingDependenciesFlatRecursively

      List<IAggregatedDependencyAccess> getIncomingDependenciesFlatRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, boolean excludeExcluded, IDependencyKind... types)
      Compute the incoming aggregated dependencies of this element and all its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude all dependencies coming from this object or its children
      excludeExcluded - If true, exclude all dependencies coming from excluded elements
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of incoming dependencies aggregated to the desired level
    • getIncomingDependenciesFlatRecursively

      List<IAggregatedDependencyAccess> getIncomingDependenciesFlatRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, IDependencyKind... types)
      Compute the incoming aggregated dependencies of this element and all its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude all dependencies coming from this object or its children
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of incoming dependencies aggregated to the desired level
    • getReferencingElementsFlatRecursively

      List<INamedElementAccess> getReferencingElementsFlatRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, boolean excludeExcluded, IDependencyKind... types)
      Get a list of all elements referencing this element and its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude this object and its children from the resulting list
      excludeExcluded - If true, exclude all excluded objects.
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of referencing objects according to the aggregation level.
    • getReferencingElementsFlatRecursively

      List<INamedElementAccess> getReferencingElementsFlatRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, IDependencyKind... types)
      Get a list of all elements referencing this element and its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude this object and its children from the resulting list
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of referencing objects according to the aggregation level.
    • getReferencedElementsFlatRecursively

      List<INamedElementAccess> getReferencedElementsFlatRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, boolean excludeExternals, boolean excludeExcluded, IDependencyKind... types)
      Compute the list of referenced elements of this element and all its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude this object and its children from the resulting list
      excludeExternals - If true, exclude all external objects.
      excludeExcluded - If true, exclude all excluded objects.
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of referenced objects according to the aggregation level
    • getReferencedElementsFlatRecursively

      List<INamedElementAccess> getReferencedElementsFlatRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, boolean excludeExternals, IDependencyKind... types)
      Compute the list of referenced elements of this element and all its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude this object and its children from the resulting list
      excludeExternals - If true, exclude all external objects.
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of referenced objects according to the aggregation level
    • getReferencedElementsFlatRecursively

      List<INamedElementAccess> getReferencedElementsFlatRecursively(Aggregator aggr, boolean excludeSelf, IDependencyKind... types)
      Compute the list of referenced elements of this element and all its children, but treats this namespace as "flat", i.e. does not include any child namespaces.
      aggr - The desired level of aggregation
      excludeSelf - If true, exclude this object and its children from the resulting list
      types - List of dependency types (if empty, all dependencies will be returned)
      List of referenced objects according to the aggregation level
    • getNumberOfOutgoingDependenciesMetric

      Integer getNumberOfOutgoingDependenciesMetric()
    • getNumberOfIncomingDependenciesMetric

      Integer getNumberOfIncomingDependenciesMetric()
    • getInstabilityMetric

      Float getInstabilityMetric()
    • getDistanceMetric

      Float getDistanceMetric()
    • getNumberOfTypesMetric

      Integer getNumberOfTypesMetric()
    • getAbstractnessMetric

      Float getAbstractnessMetric()
    • getProgrammingElements

      List<IProgrammingElementAccess> getProgrammingElements()
    • getAverageComplexityMetric

      Float getAverageComplexityMetric()
    • isPart

      boolean isPart()
    • isSystemScope

      boolean isSystemScope()
    • getModuleScope

      IModuleAccess getModuleScope()