Sonargraph Release Notes ======================== Build =========================== New Features ------------ - Sonargraph - Exploration/Architectural view now offers additional sort modes 'Alphabetical', 'Lines Of Code' and 'Source Element Count'. - Locations of snapshot and export related actions are now stored in the context of a system (i.e. when exporting images in the context of a system the last location used for the system is offered as default). Improvements ------------ - Sonargraph - Issues and Workspace views can now be closed. Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Fixed buffer overflow error in the Git data retriever caused by an extremely long commit message. Build =========================== New Features ------------ - Sonargraph - Now all dependencies in the C++ component construction view can be exported to Excel. Just right-click in the unoccupied area of the view to bring up the context menu. Build =========================== Improvements ------------ - Sonargraph - Improved speed of SCM Metrics analyzer. - License requester always uses https (instead of http). - SonargraphBuild - SonargraphBuild downloader now uses https (instead of http). Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Fixed assertion error (Parameter 'modules' of method 'create' must not be empty) when updating a tree map on system refresh. - Fixed 'NullPointerException' when opening a system with an already opened system that is going to be closed with a selection of a logical namespace. Build =========================== New Features ------------ - Sonargraph - Available for Linux AArch64/ARM64. - Available for Mac OS AArch64/ARM64. Improvements ------------ - Sonargraph - Architecture assignment info now is also shown in Properties view when selecting logical programming elements in logical system scope Namespaces view. - Author properties shown in Properties view are sorted by time period length. - Supported languages and description of Sonargraph plugins are shown on plugin preference pages. - Auto-update can now be turned of in the 'Help' menu. NOTE: The Sonargraph platform uses Java 21. A Java 21 runtime is required! Build =========================== Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - For C# sometimes generic parameter dependencies were not recognized properly. This is now fixed. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: In the next few days we will release Sonargraph 15.0.0 (including all it's clients and plugins). It has undergone a lot of internal rework. All used libraries have been updated and the internal module structure has been streamlined. Sonargraph now uses Java 21 and requires Java 21 to be executed. Sonargraph will now also support Linux AArch64/ARM64 and Mac OS AArch64/ARM64. It will not be possible to auto-update from Sonargraph 14.x (and older) to 15.x. A fresh install will be needed. The corresponding download for your platform can be found as usual on our web site here: The new update sites will be: - for Sonargraph (auto-update) - for the Sonargraph Eclipse plugin Build =========================== Improvements ------------ - Sonargraph - Added 'Source Element Count' metric to Architectural/Exploration Metrics view. - Added 'CSharpIsEnum' attribute retriever to Architecture DSL, check manual for details. Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Fixed a problem with internal fully qualified names for TypeScript. This prevented a generated report (xml) file to be read successfully. - Fixed 'IllegalArgumentException' (HistogramBin(): startBoundary > endBoundary.) when creating a Histogram. - Fixed 'NCCD' (John Lakos) metric calculation leading to invalid float values (NaN). Build =========================== Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Fixed assertion error (AssertionError: maxValue >= minValue) when creating a Histogram. - Fixed stack overflow error for TypeScript attribute retrievers. Build =========================== New Features ------------ - Sonargraph - Added 4 attribute retrievers for TypeScript: TypescriptImplementsInterface, TypescriptExtendsClass, TypescriptTypeof and TypescriptFileName. Please find the details in the documentation. Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Fixed assertion error (Unexpected call: getLogicalModuleScopeRecursiveElementRefactoringDescriptor) when opening an Exploration view on a 'logical' Architecture file (DSL) for a TypeScript system. TypeScript does not have a logical domain. The statement 'model "logical"' is now ignored and generates a warning. Build =========================== Improvements ------------ - Sonargraph - If an internal TypeScript module is also found under the external 'node_modules' directory, the external variant will be merged into the internal version. Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Fixed assertion error (XML System object must not be null!) when using undo/redo of a system file modification in a C# system. Build =========================== Improvements ------------ - Sonargraph - Improved logging in the 'Architecture Check' to hunt down a spurious 'NullPointerException'. Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Fixed assertion error ('nextRecursiveElementCreationDescriptor' of method 'loadArchitecturalView' must not be null) when trying to create a logical Architectural view for TypeScript. In TypeScript no logical domain exists. The logical Architectural view creation is no longer available in the corresponding wizard dialog. Build =========================== Improvements ------------ - Sonargraph - TypeScript source files can now be moved/renamed (refactorings). - The metric 'number of methods' is now available for TypeScript and Python. Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Fixed layout of product information in About dialog on Linux. - Fixed assertion error (Same points) in Cycle view. - The C# parser now should also work on Mac's with an Arm64 processor. - Fixed a stack overflow problem in the TypeScript parser. Build =========================== Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Fixed a regression bug in the TypeScript analyzer. Build =========================== Improvements ------------ - Sonargraph - Decorators are now properly added as dependencies for TypeScript. - Better resolution of ambiguous TypeScript dependencies when namespaces and elements of the same name as the namespace are involved. Build =========================== Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Fixed 'NullPointerException' in C# solution import wizard. - Replaced commons-text-1.9.jar with the newest version 1.12 due to a vulnerability. Build =========================== Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Fixed assertion error (already contains child) in background task when analyzing package cycles adding an element to a detected cycle. - Eclipse Plugin - Fixed assertion error (unexpected class) in delta refresh. Build =========================== Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Corrected the positioning of 'added' signs of newly added nodes (using a baseline) in the Cycle view applying the circular layout. - Enforced the selection of a root directory for the Python system creation wizard. - Fixed an assertion error that occurred when TypeScript directory dependencies were analyzed in a Graph view. Build =========================== Improvements ------------ - Sonargraph - Updated Roslyn libraries (C# parser) to the newest version. Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - In C,C++ we now resolve symbolic links for internal header files. That avoids phantom duplicates of header files found via symbolic links. - Fixed an assertion error that would occur when creating a graph view from the architecture view of a Python project. - Double clicking a dependency in the Cycle view sometimes left the viewer unresponsive. Build =========================== New Features ------------ - SonargraphBuild - Added dynamic report goals for Python and TypeScript (Maven and Gradle). Now you can create a report by just specifying a source root directory. For Python you can also add a virtual environment. Improvements ------------ - Sonargraph - Made several small modifications to the Cycle Breakup algorithm to achieve a balance between performance and quality of the found break up set. This might result in small deviations from the previously found break up sets. Sorry for any inconvenience this might cause. Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Fixed a regression error that would not allow multiple elements to be selected and open an Exploration view based on all those elements (only 1 would be used). - The TypeScript preference dialog now works properly if NodeJS can't be found. Build =========================== Improvements ------------ - Sonargraph - Now it is possible to select a NodeJS executable in the TypeScript preferences. Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Ignoring violations or deleting violating dependencies in an Exploration view based on an Architecture (DSL) file did affect violations produced by all checked Architecture (DSL) files and not only the ones produced by the file the Exploration view was based on. This has been fixed. - Fixed another error that would prevent the Cycle Breakup algorithm from finding the minimal breakup dependency set. - Using 'File->Save As...' to a different directory made source control metrics unavailable. Now it works as expected. Build =========================== Improvements ------------ - Sonargraph - The Exploration/Architectural view now uses the cycle breakup set to order the nodes in cycles. - Highlighting edges in the Cycle view triggered by the edge selection in the corresponding Cycle Breakup view no works faster. Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Fixed another error that would prevent the Cycle Breakup algorithm from finding the minimal breakup dependency set. - C comments in tsconfig.json files will not create problems any longer. Build =========================== Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Fixed several issues in the TypeScript parser and model builder. Build =========================== Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Fixed some issues with interpretation and parsing of the tsconfig.json file for TypeScript systems. - Fixed a 'NullPointerException' when parsing a TypeScript system. - Fixed an error that would prevent the Cycle Breakup algorithm from finding the minimal breakup dependency set. - The bin size in the Histogram was not calculated correctly when a lower threshold was defined. Build =========================== New Features ------------ - Sonargraph - TypeScript support added. TypeScript based systems can be created based on tsconfig.json files. NOTE: You need a working Node.js installation to be able to parse TypeScript source code. Improvements ------------ - Sonargraph - The product information in the about dialog can be copied. Bug Fixes --------- - Sonargraph - Selecting a dependency in the Cycle Breakup view now also updates the Parser Dependencies views if connected to the corresponding Cycle view (since the dependency is also revealed in the corresponding Cycle view). - When a Cycle view is updated due to a modification the connected Cycle Breakup view is reset. This avoids showing incorrect (stale) information.